How to print a PDF pattern

Before you can open our pdf pattern, you need to download Adobe acrobat reader. You can download this for free at get.adobe.com/reader. Always open your files in Acrobat Reader after saving them on your computer. Never allow to open them in preview on your internet browser. Files can get corrupted and functionality like the layers could disappear. Open the digital pdf pattern: Our digital pattern includes all sizes from 34 to 52. For every size, two lines are available: a stitching line and a cutting line. The cutting line includes all seam allowances. Without selecting your size, you'll see all...
A maxi skirt for the Poppy & Cara summer dress

The pattern of the Poppy and Cara summer dress comes with a midi skirt and an asymmetric skirt. The midi skirt is easy to lengthen to a maxi skirt. A little tutorial! You start by drawing the pattern of the midi skirt in your size (without seam allowances). Then you measure the length of the maxi skirt that you wish. Measure the length of the midi skirt and calculate the extra length to add. Draw a straight line on your pattern about 30cm above the hem, perpendicular on the center front/back line. Cut the pattern piece in two on that line....
How to make a perfect V-neckline for the Zoey blouse

Our Zoey blouse is one of our favorites! Well, all our patterns are our favorites off course! But the Zoey blouse is an easy model, elegant with it's V-neckline and the voluminous, three-quarter sleeves that are gathered at the hem. The only tricky thing at this pattern is to make a nice V at the neckline. With this tutorial, we'll show you step by step how to make this neckline to perfection. We start after you jointed front and back piece of the blouse. Pin the facing to the blouse with the right sides of the fabric together. Mark your stitching...